





             Sermons Preached at Perry Heights by Johnny Felker & others



Click the sermon titles to read the sermon outlines in Adobe .PDF format.  


Audio/video versions of the lessons are available on our Facebook page at "Perry Heights Church of Christ."  Just enter the date of the sermon you are wanting to hear.


Some of Johnny's lessons from previous years are available on his personal web page.  You may view them at www.


If you have problems with links, email us at our contact address:


                              These lessons are also live streamed on Facebook!


Date Preached

Sermon Title

04/09/23 p.m. Powerful Poems:  "Count Your Blessings"
04/09/23 a.m. The Sign of the Resurrection:  What Does It Tell Us About Jesus?
04/02/23 a.m. Five Life-Altering Steps
03/26/23 p.m. Incentives to Faithfulness in Opposition (#2)
03/26/23 a.m. Incentives to Faithfulness in Opposition (#1)
03/19/23 p.m. What NT Writers Taught about Marriage
03/19/23 a.m. "Bring Many Sons to Glory"
03/12/23 p.m. "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
03/12/23a.m. The Power of Our Words
03/05/23 a.m. When Your Faith Is Tested by Life
02/26/23 p.m. What NT Writer Taught about the Creation #2
02/26/23 a.m. Living as a Justified Person
02/19/23 p.m. What NT Writer Taught about the Creation #1
02/19/23 a.m. The Comfort of Faith
02/12/23/p.m. "Ivory Palaces"
02/12/23 a.m. Making "Better" Choices
02/05/23 a.m. The Paradox of the Cross
1/29/23 p.m. NT Lessons from the Flood
1/29/23 a.m. Standing on the Promises
(Sermon in Song)
1/22/23 p.m. "The Fear of the Lord"
1/22/23 a.m. Fear Fighters
1/15/23 p.m. The Call to Discipleship (Its Blessings)
1/15/23 a.m. The Call to Discipleship (Its Meaning)
1/08/23 p.m. God's Great Invitation (Isaiah 55)
1/08/23 a.m. Make This the Best Year of Your Life!
1/01/23 a.m. "His Story" in Seven Words

 This page was last modified on July 23, 2019